
Showing posts from January, 2019

Powtoon ( video about types of pollutants - Pollution)

Powtoon (Pollution)

Physics Quiz - Edmodo (Electricity G 10 - Multiple Choice questions )

                                                                  Physics Quiz ( G 10 )                                                                      Multiple Choice                                                     Please Solve this exam.           Class Edmodo Quiz

Powtoon ( Types of pollution - Explanation )

Types of Pollutants

Socrative ( Quiz - G 10 Waves )

Physics Quiz - Multiple Choice Take this quiz that is prepared using socrative tool. Room number: ISMAIL5480                                    

Ted-ed ( G 10 - Waves and vibrations )

Wave Motion This is a lesson on waves and vibrations prepared using ted-ed tool

Wordart ( Electrical loads - G 10 )

Electricity What are the electric components mentioned in this word art? Give the characteristics of each component mentioned in this word art.

Thinglink ( Nature of motion - Graphs - G 10)

Types of motion   A rectilinear motion can be uniform, accelerated, or decelerated Specify the type of motion by referring to the graphs given in the image below:

Prezi ( Waves - G 10 Presentation )

Wave Motion This is a wave presentation prepared using perzi tool